She worked outside the limelight, with strong feeling for the precariousness of existence and with a particular eye for looks and gestures that create separation between people.

"He was in many ways a little bit bigger than life.”

“My early work was entirely photo-based and very detailed, but it has become looser and more intuitive..."

“Inspiration for the artist is probably less in dreaming than in visualizing extensions from tangible possibilities.”

“There is so much richness and possibility of using the imagination when combining various materials..."

I’m interested in that transformative space between; between that momentary, fleeting glimpse, and then it’s translation with paint into marks...

Her life is a bit of a mystery. Do you have any information that might help us solve it?

"In the 50s and 60s there was a lot of dialogue between the painters and the poets and the musicians."

Topophilia, or a strong sense of and affection for a particular place...

“I paint freely, but with formal restraints..."