Ann Beatty

Watercolour, gouache and travel.

Ann Beatty works in watercolour and gouache and enjoys travel. In late 2022, she combined these two interests and began a YouTube channel (@annbeatty) that focuses on helpful tricks and techniques for painting with watercolour and gouache. Her channel includes gouache demonstrations, architecture studies, the human figure and urban scenes from her travels around the world. 

Beatty is based in Montreal but has lived in Ontario, Beijing, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, and Bowen Island, BC. She has had numerous solo exhibitions at The Gallery on Bowen Island, as well as solo and group exhibitions in Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Switzerland. 

Did you know? Gouache, also known as body colour or opaque watercolour, is a water-medium paint consisting of natural pigment, water, a binding agent and sometimes additional inert materials. It’s designed to be opaque and has a long history, having been used for at least 12 centuries.

For all you deep art divers out there.

Artist’s website 

Artist’s YouTube 

The Canadian Art Preservation Foundation posts short biographies and information on artists and artwork from its collection in a not-so-subtle attempt to capture your attention and interest in our mission, but we also just want to keep this artwork in view. We are excited about the art we collect and want to share it with you. CAPF is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the artwork of Canada’s superstar artists for future generations to examine, study and exhibit – the ones you know and the ones you might not know so well. We accept artwork, journals, notes, letters, exhibition catalogues and anything else that might comprise a visual and/or intellectual “portrait” (ahem, please pardon the pun) of a particular artist.  

View more artwork from our CAPF Collection and if you’d like, Donate Here. 

We archive, preserve and promote Canadian art. 

Articles: 25