Artist Spotlight – Sherry Grauer

"Whatever mark the artist makes has a reference."

Sherry Grauer is a mixed-media artist known for her work with wire mesh, wood, plaster and canvas, producing paintings, relief paintings and sculptures; and she moves seamlessly between these mediums, often working on numerous projects concurrently. Her work is shaped by both the natural world of the West Coast and the art and urban life of San Francisco and Vancouver. 

Grauer studied at the San Francisco Art Institute in the early 1960s, returning to Canada in 1964. She has exhibited in Canada throughout her career, as well as England and the United States. Her work is in many public collections including the Canada Council Art Bank, Musee d’Art Contemporain, Churchill College, Cambridge, England, Vancouver Art Gallery and the National Gallery of Canada. 

“I don’t think there is such a thing as abstract painting. Whatever mark the artist makes has a reference. And the observer brings their own references to the work.” Quote from “Sherrard Grauer, Fall, 2005, The Moore Gallery, Victoria”, Beverly Cramp, Aug 31, 2005,

The Canadian Art Preservation Foundation posts short biographies and information on artists and artwork from its permanent collection in a not-so-subtle attempt to capture your attention and interest in our mission, but we also just want to keep this artwork in view. We are excited about the art we collect and want to share it with you. CAPF is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the artwork of Canada’s superstar artists for future generations to examine, study and exhibit – the ones you know and the ones you might not know so well. We accept artwork, journals, notes, letters, exhibition catalogues and anything else that might comprise a visual and/or intellectual “portrait” (ahem, please pardon the pun) of a particular artist.  

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We archive, preserve and promote Canadian art. 

Articles: 4

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