New works: Robert Young

BC artist Robert Young has donated original etchings, serigraphs, engravings and drawings to the Canadian Art Preservation Foundation.

Adept in wide range of art media including watercolour, various forms of printmaking and oil painting, he explores themes which embrace household objects, landscapes, musical interests and historical art imagery. His work is full of meaning and depth. His evocative imagery described with technical bravura invites the viewer to reflect not only on the apparent image but the hidden message.

Robert Young , born in Vancouver, was identified as a gifted artist. He attended UBC, graduating in 1962 with B.A., Honours Art History. He studied at the City and Guilds of London (England) School of Art, acquiring a Certificate of Merit. In 1966, he received an Advanced Diploma in Graphics at the Vancouver School of Art. He was Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia form 1982- 1998. You can learn more about his lifetime of work at the CCCA Canadian Art Database Project hosted by Concordia University (link).

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